Science Show
Today us year 6, 7 and 8 children from Saint Pius X had been given the opportunity to go to Tamaki College for a Science Roadshow. We were split up into groups, the people that parents came had offered to help us get to Tamaki College which was very kind of them. I went with Lusia’s Grandma with Olga and Von in her car. At Tamaki College when we had went inside the Auditorium there were many activities that were placed all around the hall which looked very interesting. When the man had finished doing some experiments finally we had the opportunity to go and look around the science experiments. One of my first Experiments that I had went to was Colour Words.
Colour Words was an experiment where you had to try your best to say the colour of the word really fast without reading the actual words, it confuses us because the word is a colour, but you have to say the colour of the word. The other science experiment that I have really liked was “What’s inside the box”, it's was an activity where us children had to put our hand in the box and try and guess what it is.
Then after all the exploring and many things, it was time for us to get back to school even though i wanted to see more amazing things. Next time I will like to go back there and explore many great, interesting things again.