
Tuesday 3 November 2015

My Story !!!


Once upon a time there were 4 friends which was a prince, Princess, dog and a horse. One day they decided to go for a walk because it so hot they needed air. But Suddenly they saw a haunted house near the trees, so they 4 friends decided to go inside even though they were feeling scared. So when they went inside they saw a ugly wand that didn't even work and also the prince had found a pair of underwear hanging on top of the window. While they were walking the saw blood but the prince
said ''ohhhh'' stop being silly it not blood it just paint now come on and let's go because it getting scary in here.

So  all 4 of the friends went and visited a castle. When they arrived there some of the children was playing with bubbles so they thought to get out their I phones and take some photos. Then after that they went inside and used the WiFi but first they went in the rooms. When they had got their the princess had ''said'' look everyone I have found a Magical Jandals let me try them on. So when she tried them on it didn't even fit her because her fit was big for it so she just put it back in the cupboard.

And when they went outside there was a bean bag so the dog just jumped on it before the prince was gonna sit on it. But they heard this noise coming from everyone's tummy that when they all said we should go and have some corn beef.
then they lived happily ever after.

This Piece of writing that I have done is a untrue story, all of the red words are the words that I had to use in my story, you see my teacher was testing us, the reason why he was testing us with it is, because he believed that we could make a brilliant story out of random words.

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