On Wednesday our class 9tgn made a hangi. First thing in the morning after our year 9 assembly we all went to the wharekai to start preparing our hangi putting all the ingredients in so that we can quickly cook it. The boys went with Mr Dunn to help him out start the hangi up and the rest of the class stayed at the whare kai plating up the ingredient to fill in our bowls, we put in a lot of vegetables to make it very delicious. All of the bowls were looking so delicious and yummy that I just wanted to hurry up and it, when it was all done we had to put the bowls into boxes and take it down to Mr dunn so that he and his crew could put it inside the hangi and get it ready to cook, it was raining and we have to walk all the way there I was feeling very happy about that but at the same time it was my own fault because I forgot to bring my gear to make sure that nothing goes on my school uniform. While making the hangi I could hear sound energy when we had to wash the potatoes, there was chemical potential energy because of the wood, the wood changes into light and heat. When our food was in the hangi Mr Dunn told us that we get after school because that when it would be ready, so when it hit 2:55 myself and my friends we packed up and left to pick up our hangi it smelt so nice as we were getting it I just couldn't wait to get back home and munch, munch, munch. I got home, showered and warmed up my hangi I can tell you that it was AMAZING!! It was so amazing that I wanted to have more and more.
That was the best hangi I have ever made.